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Can men take the supplements?Updated a year ago

Yes, men can take Jude’s bladder care supplement. 

Jude’s Bladder care supplements have been clinically proven to be beneficial in both men and women. There have been three clinical studies in both men and women with overactive bladders and bladder symptoms related to BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and one study focused on frequent urination at night in men. The results were very promising. Overall, 39% experienced fewer night wees after taking Jude Bladder Care supplement for 6 weeks.

Sign up to the waitlist for our new Men's Bladder Care Handbook which is launching shortly and will be free to download: 


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Effects of an Oil-Free Hydroethanolic Pumpkin Seed Extract on Symptom Frequency and Severity in Men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Pilot Study in Humans

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