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Who is Jude?Updated a year ago

We’re a healthcare startup on a mission to bring bladder care into the mainstream. When our Founder Peony set out to create a brand to tackle bladder care, she knew it was important to create a community - a feeling of togetherness, shared experience and empathy - bringing women together who experience the intimate and sometimes debilitating issue of bladder leaks. 

And, who doesn't love "Hey Jude"?🎶

After experimenting with many different names and hitting a blank, one day the famous song came on and something about the simplicity of 'Jude' stuck. We feel it encapsulates multiple generations of women and the sense of community intrinsic to our brand today. 

If you're interested in our founding story, you can also read this article on our blog on where it all began: Jude - Blog - Jude's story (wearejude.com)

Team Jude

(On a mission to make bladder care better, better, better, better!📢)

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