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How long until I see improvements after taking the supplements?Updated a year ago

On average our customer start to see a difference after 12 weeks, but as every bladder is different and it could take more or less time - the key is to keep going and help your muscles regain strength by consistently taking the supplement day and night. 

More than 80% of people in the clinical trial saw a difference after twelve weeks.

To kick start your journey we would reccomend taking 3 supplements for the first 2 weeks.

If you haven't already download our free Bladder care handbook which is full of tips around diet, lifestyle and exercises which you can be doing alongside the supplements to achieve and maintain your desired results. 

Jude - Bladder Care Handbook - Why Caring For Your Bladder Is So Important (wearejude.com)

Want to chat with women who are further along in their journey and seeing results? Join our online community of 6000+ women who are going through a similar experience and are great at sharing their journey so far! Not to mention the competitions, free giveaways and exclusive discount codes our community members have access to. 


Failing that, take a look at our Trustpilot to hear what real customers have to say

 Jude Reviews | Read Customer Service Reviews of wearejude.com (trustpilot.com) 


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