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A Prolapsed UterusUpdated 4 months ago

A prolapsed uterus can occur due to weakness in the muscles and tissues of the pelvis and this can be linked to bladder leakage. Since our supplement is thought to work by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles - and is clinically proven to reduce leaks, urgency, improve sleep and enhance bladder strength by up to 79% - it should help those with a prolapsed uterus to reduce their leaks.

Just a heads up, it won't specifically cure a prolapse. The Jude supplement is not intended for prolapse and has not been tested on individuals with any form of prolapse. Rather, it is suitable if you experience leakage during activities like coughing, sneezing or exercising (known as stress incontinence) or struggle with significant urgency - which can of course happen as a side effect of prolapse. 

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